Worship   Service   Sundays   at   10:00   am
Welcome! SPPC offers concurrent 10 AM worship in the church sanctuary as well as on Zoom (link below.)
Want to worship with South Plains on Zoom? Link here for 10 AM Sunday Worship.
South Plains Presbyterian Church is a church that welcomes all God’s children.
We seek to become more faithful disciples by studying God’s word, by discussing how these ancient texts speak to the heart of 21st-century issues, and through prayer. We are a prayerful church. We unite in corporate prayer in informal worship and encourage prayer in formal ways in our daily lives as we exercise, shop, work and study. We seek to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit in both personal and church life.
Donate to the church by clicking here.
South Plains offers Christian Education for both adults and children on a regular basis. Contact the church for more information. Sunday worship is at 10 AM in our beautiful, nearly 200-year-old brick sanctuary. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated the first Sunday of each month. In addition to the music leadership of the Director of Music and the adult choir, musicians among the congregants often participate in worship of God through music.
Fellowship as a church family is an important part of the life of the congregation of South Plains. After each worship service, all are invited to gather in the modern Kirk Hall for coffee, snacks, and fellowship. Members, friends, and guests are encouraged to engage in mission projects and outreach activities.
Pastor's Welcome

A historic church community
We are a Christ-centered church recognized as a congregation that serves God through our worship, teaching, and outreach to the surrounding community and the world.
Our History
Sunday Worship
Our historic sanctuary is located in the pastoral countryside of Keswick and offers a peaceful setting to enjoy our traditional worship services led by our Pastor.
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Christian Education
There are several classrooms in the lower level of Kirk Hall with experienced Sunday School teachers who will lead children in a faithful understanding of the Bible.
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Prayer Quilts
Since February 2011, more than 130 quilts have been delivered to individuals coping with illness or loss, or on a life journey where God’s comfort was especially needed.
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South Plains’ Mission Crafters provide handmade items for distribution through Medical Benevolence Foundation, Church World Service, Habitat for Humanity, and other local, regional, and international programs. All projects are knitted, crocheted, or stitched by members of the South Plains’ congregation and friends of the congregation around the country.
Learn MoreDirections
From the West
Interstate 64 East
Exit 124 for US 250 toward Shadwell/Charlottesville
Right onto 250 East
Left onto VA-22 East
Corner of VA-22 East and Black Cat Road
From the East
Interstate 64 West
Exit 129 for State Road 616 toward Keswick and Boyd Tavern
Right onto Black Cat Road (SR 616)
Corner of Black Cat Road and VA-22